2020 Participant Survey

How are we doing?

In April 2020, the Cumberland County Food System Alliance (CCFSA) Leadership Committee will be meeting to discuss program offerings for the coming year. Your responses will help the CCFSA understand gaps within the community and inform what resources and role the CCFSA should provide. Contact Antonia Price (717-477-1519 or [email protected]) with any questions. Thank you for your time! 

  • Drag and drop each item to rank by order of importance, with the most important item listed first.
    • Foster networking and education across members
    • Coordinate local food efforts
    • Explore collaboration and pooling of resources, where appropriate
    • Stay apprised of important food-related health and access issues and serve as a repository of relevant data and resources
    • Advance food policy and advocacy work
  • Please answer the questions below to help us understand how we are doing as an organization.
    Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
    The purpose of the CCFSA is clear
    The CCFSA is meeting its stated purpose
    Quarterly meetings are sufficient
    This organization positively impacts the community
    This organizations successfully integrates new ideas into the community
    The meetings are convenient and work well with my schedule
    I have shared CCFSA information or events with others
    I am actively contributing to CCFSA efforts
  • Select all that apply
  • Select all that apply